A forum of young entrepreneurs has started in Tashkent. A number of documents will be signed between the states of the Turkic Council

The forum of young entrepreneurs and the 5th meeting of the Ministers of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Turkic states began at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Tashkent.

The Forum of Young Entrepreneurs is organized by the Youth Agency of Uzbekistan, the Yeshlar – Kelazhagimiz Foundation together with the relevant ministries and departments. It is attended by more than 200 foreign and Uzbek young entrepreneurs, international experts, ministers of youth and Sports of the Council member states.

It was noted that the purpose of the forum is to expand effective networks among young entrepreneurs, create conditions for opening new business opportunities.

The forum will host sessions on the areas of agribusiness, IT startups, tourism, light industry, food industry and marketing. Business excursions around the city of Tashkent and the Tashkent region and exhibitions of products of about 100 entrepreneurs are planned for the forum participants.

In addition, during the meeting, it is planned to discuss the draft Regulation on the "Initiative of the Youth Capital of the Turkic World", events in the youth and sports spheres held within the framework of the Turkic Council.

The signing of a memorandum on the exchange of young personnel between the member States of the Council is on the agenda.