The information of the organizations responsible for the implementation of paragraphs 177 and 184 of the State Program was heard

Regular public hearings on the implementation of the State Program "Year of Support for Youth and Strengthening the Health of the Population" took place on August 17 this year.

The event was organized by the Committee of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Science, Education and Healthcare in cooperation with the national movement "Yuxalish".

During the event, the heads of the Ministry of Health, the Service of Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare and Public Health and the Ministry of Finance informed the public about the work done to implement paragraphs 177 and 184 of the State Program.

In particular, the organization of work on preventive vaccination of the population of the Republic against coronavirus in accordance with paragraph 177 of the program;
The report of the responsible persons was heard on the status of the implementation of such tasks as the phased introduction into practice of the system for the provision of medical services to the population within the framework of the state-guaranteed package of free medical services and medicines in accordance with paragraph 184.

At the meeting, members of the public voiced critical views of the slow vaccination process, causing public discontent on social media due to the lack of medicines in some health facilities.