It is planned to create 39 thousand jobs in the Tashkent region

On August 10, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting and gave instructions on the development of industry in the Tashkent region.

It was noted that in the first half of the year, production increased by 4.6 percent and amounted to 7.7 trillion soums. Instructions were given to produce products worth 18 trillion soums and achieve growth of 8.5 percent.

Presentations of promising projects in the fields of transport and logistics, services, agriculture and construction were presented at the meeting.

Statistics on production and the number of enterprises in individual districts were also presented:

– There are 1,494 industrial enterprises operating in the Zangiata district. In the first six months of this year, they produced products worth about 600 billion soums;
– There are 577 enterprises operating in Angren. In the first six months of this year, products worth more than 2 trillion soums were produced here.

In addition, 124 projects worth $ 560 million have been formed. As a result, it is planned to create 39 thousand jobs and production capacities for 3 trillion soums.

Instructions were given to expand the activities of factories, organize enterprises in areas with a low level of industrialization, and develop roadside services.