10 billion soums will be allocated for the development of Uzbek national content on Wikipedia

Shavkat Mirziyoyev said that 10 billion soums will be allocated for the development of Uzbek national content on the Internet at the event held on June 30 - Youth Day.

"I was happy to hear that Wikipedia, the world's most popular electronic encyclopedia, now has more than 10,000 articles about Uzbekistan. Based on this experience, the program for the development of Uzbek national content on the Internet will be implemented. In this regard, special attention should be paid to promoting the history of our statehood through text and video content," said the President.

It is noted that steps will be taken to create a database of 100 Uzbek scholars and thinkers on the Internet, and to popularize their works.

"Increasing the number of Uzbek language articles on Wikipedia to 100,000 and posting information about Uzbekistan in foreign languages ​​will undoubtedly have a good effect. 10 billion soums will be allocated for these purposes. It is necessary to attract educated and enthusiastic young volunteers to such events and systematically encourage their activities," said the head of state.