20,140 people departed Uzbekistan as of previous year

Pursuant to the data, the number of citizens who left the territory of Uzbekistan in 2021 amounted 20,140, most of whom moved to Kazakhstan, Russia, Tajikistan and other countries for permanent residence.

The preponderance of migrants from Uzbekistan went abroad to Kazakhstan (56.6% of the total number of migrants), Russia (30.5%), Tajikistan (3.7%), Kyrgyzstan (2, 3 percent), Ukraine (1.6 percent) and other countries (5.3 percent).

At the same time, 1,900 people immigrated to Uzbekistan as of last year.
The bulk of migrants to Uzbekistan are from Kazakhstan (38% of the total number of immigrants), Tajikistan (18.5%), Russia (17.3%), Kyrgyzstan (7.0%), Turkmenistan (3.3%) and other countries (15.9%).