686th anniversary of Amir Temur

April 9 is the birthday of the great commander and founder of the great empire Amir Temur.

Amir Temur ibn Amir Taragay ibn Amir Barqul was born on April 9, 1336 in the village of Khoja Ilgor (now Yakkabag district) near the city of Kesh (now Shahrisabz). He was a great medieval statesman, a great commander, the founder of a strong centralized state, and a patron of science and culture.

Interesting facts about the great commander:

  • Amir Temur's full name was Temur ibn Taragay Barlos, and in historical works he is referred to as Tamerlane;

  • Amir Temur was an ardent fan of chess;

  • From 1398 to 1399, Amir Temur marched on India and was able to conquer it. At that time, Timur's army was filled with 120 military elephants;

  • The biggest war in Amir Temur's life took place during his visit to Iraq and lasted for 7 years. In 1402, at the Battle of Ankara, he defeated the Ottoman ruler Boyazid I and took him prisoner. This led to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. As a result of the victory, Asia Minor was captured, and Amir Temur received congratulations from the kings of England, France and Castile.The ambassador of Castile, Rui Gonzalez de Clavijo, visited Samarkand and wrote a whole book about it;

  • Amir Temur occupied the fortress of Smirna, which the Ottoman sultans had not captured for 20 years, within 2 weeks;

  • The founder of the Great Empire established diplomatic relations with many countries, including Byzantium, England, France, Castile, China, and Egypt. The original letter of Charles VI, King of France, by Amir Temur is still preserved;
    In 1404, Amir Temur set out to invade China with 200,000 troops;


  • With Temur's death, the Chinese war ended. He was buried in Samarkand, in the mausoleum of Gori Amir;

  • At present, the famous ruby ​​belonging to Temur is kept in London, and his sword is kept in the Tehran Museum;

  • The State Museum of Temurid History in Tashkent was officially opened in 1996;

  • The Amir Temur Order was established in 1996;

  • The famous Taj Mahal mausoleum was built in the 17th century by Shokhjahon, a descendant of Temur;

  • Another of Temur's descendants, Babur, conquered India and founded a great empire.