76.8 billion UZS is expected to be allocated for social infrastructure development in three years ahead

The Presidential Decree adopted a program for the development of social and industrial infrastructure of Uzbekistan for 2022-2024. A total of 76.8 trillion UZS will be allocated for its implementation, of which 23.8 trillion UZS will be designated for 2022.

This year, the largest investments will be made in the social sphere (5.9 trillion UZS), defense agencies and the closed sector (4.5 trillion UZS), construction of important facilities (3.9 trillion UZS) and road transport infrastructure (2.7 trillion UZS).

The program also envisages a total of 76 trillion 881 billion UZS for the development of social and industrial infrastructure over the next 3 years (at the rate of the Central Bank on January 24 - 7 billion 89 million dollars), in 2022 - 23 trillion 790 billion UZS; in 2023 - 25 trillion 17 billion UZS; in 2024 - 28 trillion 74 billion UZS. The targets for 2023-2024 have been clarified in the formulation of budget parameters.

In 2022, the funds will be allocated for the following areas:

Social domains – 5.9 trillion UZS;

Engineering and communication networks – 1.3 trillion UZS;

Road transport infrastructure – 2.7 trillion UZS;

Irrigation and melioration – 1.5 trillion UZS;

Construction and reconstruction of administrative-territorial, engineering-infrastructure, as well as especially important and classified facilities - 3.9 trillion UZS;

Other domains, such as closed sector and defense organs – 4.5 trillion UZS;

Improvement of land, water and road infrastructure around tourist facilities - 300 billion UZS;

Projects under the "Obod Qishloq" and "Obod Makhalla" programs - 3 trillion UZS;

Construction and reconstruction of airport complexes – 530 billion UZS.