779 contracts worth 272.4 billion UZS were signed via e-cooperation portal
A regional inter-sectoral industrial fair organized by the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade in cooperation with the Fergana regional administration was held in Fergana. The opening ceremony was attended by A.Voitov, First Deputy Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade.
2.8 thousand square meters of indoor and 1.7 thousand square meters of open space of SAMO sports complex were used as a venue for the fair. The event was attended by more than 1,800 Uzbek enterprises and artisans specializing in textiles, leather and footwear, furniture, oil and gas, electrical engineering, construction materials, pharmaceuticals, as well as entrepreneurs from Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.
Meetings and talks organized in the form of B2B to advance cooperation with more than 40 visiting businessmen from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan helped to find common ground.
For visitors to the exhibition are the Fergana regional administration, the Ministry of Innovative Development, "Uzeltexsanoat", "Uzcharmsanoat", "O'zqurilishmateriallari" associations, "Uzkimyosanoat" JSC, "Navoiyazot" JSC, "Imkon plast" LLC, Development Technopark LLC, Technopark LLC (Prolayn), Pharmaceutical Industry Development Agency and a number of companies that are shaping the main trends in production made presentations on measures to support entrepreneurs and exporters.
Summing up the fair via electronic cooperation portal 779 contracts to total amount 272,4 billion UZS were signed, from them 140 contracts for 109,2 billion UZS by regional enterprises for purchase of goods and 648 contracts for 257,2 billion UZS by regional enterprises for delivery of goods. Moreover, 14 memorandums on cooperation to total amount of 10,916.67 million UZS were signed.