A meeting was held with the Chairman of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation

On December 14 of this year, within the framework of the visit of the government delegation to Japan in Tokyo, the Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan S. Umurzakov met with the Chairman of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) Tadashi Maeda.

During the meeting, the progress in the implementation of joint projects and the prospects for expanding cooperation in the near future were considered. It was noted that thanks to the financial and technical assistance of JBIC in Uzbekistan, as of the current moment, strategically important projects in the fields of energy, the development of telecommunications and transport infrastructure and other areas have been successfully implemented for a total amount of 783.6 million dollars.

One of the largest such projects is the construction of a modern complex for the production of ammonia and urea in the Navoi region, implemented jointly with a consortium of Japanese companies Mitsubishi Corporation and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, which is scheduled to be commissioned by the end of December this year. The project provides for the organization of production of ammonia in the amount of 660 thousand tons per year and urea - in the amount of 578 thousand tons per year.

At the same time, the parties expressed their readiness to further expand cooperation, building on the success in the implementation of large economically significant projects with the involvement of Japanese technologies.

In particular, they discussed the prospects for the development of investment partnerships in the field of "green technologies", which is especially relevant in light of the task set by the Japanese government to completely phase out the use of carbon as an energy source by 2050.

They also considered practical aspects related to projects in the field of information and telecommunication technologies, which are currently under implementation.

The prospects for deepening cooperation between JBIC and commercial banks of Uzbekistan through the allocation of special credit lines for export financing were considered separately.

Following the meeting with the management of the Bank, an agreement was reached on a joint study of opportunities for the implementation in Uzbekistan, together with Japanese companies, of projects to create environmentally friendly industrial production facilities that contribute to sustainable development, including in the areas of environmental protection and prevention of global warming.

Source: https://mift.uz/ru