A video conference chaired by the President is on the go

It was noted at the meeting that the amount of solid waste per capita in the world is proliferating by 1% annually, and in recent years the country has grown by 2% due to economic growth and improved living standards, and the annual amount of household waste has reached 7 million tons.

However, the state of collection, sorting, removal, processing and utilization of this waste is unsatisfactory, the head of state noted.

To illustrate, the level of recycling of household waste is decent in Andijan - 45%, Bukhara - 43%, Navoi and Namangan - 36%. In contrast, Karakalpakstan is behind with 10%, followed by Fergana and Kashkadarya with 20%.

This is due to the fact that household waste collection and recycling clusters have not yet been systematically established in these areas.

It also criticized the fact that 781 makhallas had not resolved their waste disposal issues for 30 years, even though the waste disposal coverage had reached 90%.