Agricultural production to double in Syrdarya - Shavkat Mirziyoyev

At a meeting with voters in Syrdarya, UzLiDeP candidate Shavkat Mirziyoyev informed about the development of a draft 5-year program to improve the living standards of the region's population.

"The first direction is that measures will be taken to increase the volume of agricultural production by 2 times.

It is well known that the experience of reclaiming lands that were out of use began in the Syr Darya two years ago, and today 17,000 hectares have been reclaimed.

In the next five years, another 34 thousand hectares will be developed in the region, which will be allocated on a competitive basis for vegetable growing and animal husbandry, more than 30 thousand people will be provided with work.
For example, 12 thousand hectares will be commissioned in Mirzaabad, 6.5 thousand hectares in Sardoba, and 8.7 thousand hectares in Khavassky region.

For this, 50% of the cost of electricity and other expenses will be reimbursed.
In Syrdarya, 30% of 286 thousand hectares of sown areas have high salinity. For a sharp decrease in this indicator, foreign experts will be involved and a program will be implemented to reduce the salinity of cultivated lands and the correct placement of crops.

Mechanisms of financial support for clusters that independently implemented measures to reduce land salinity will be introduced.
At the same time, 50% of the cost of laboratory analyzes of soil composition will be covered from the budget.
A branch for seed production of the National Center for Knowledge and Innovation in Agriculture will also be created, which will deal with the creation of new grain, vegetable and fodder varieties that give high yields on saline lands.

For this, 2 thousand hectares will be allocated in Okoltina and Boyovut.
Polygons for growing vegetables and melon seeds will be organized in Gulistan, Syrdarya and Saykhunabad on 1,000 hectares. "