All coronavirus restrictions for tourists visiting Uzbekistan have been lifted

From June 10, 2022, temporary restrictions on travel to Uzbekistan for tourism purposes via air routes, border railway stations and road checkpoints due to coronavirus infection will be lifted, which was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan, citing the decision of the Republican Special Commission.

“Therefore, before arriving in Uzbekistan, tourists are not required to have a negative PCR test for coronavirus infection, to take an express antigen test for coronavirus infection and to have a vaccination certificate or passport. And all rules regarding coronavirus infection will be repealed,”, the report said.

Reportedly, the commission made this decision due to the dynamic decline in the prevalence and incidence of coronavirus infection in Uzbekistan, the number of hospitalized patients with coronavirus infection and discharged from hospital, the number of quarantined citizens relative to the number of quarantined.

Moreover, this decision considers the epidemiological situation in the world, the recommendations of the World Health Organization and the recommendations of the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Peace and Public Health Service.