Awarding ceremony of the competition «TASHABBUS-2021»

As we reported earlier, on June 14, 2021, the TASHABBUS-2021 competition was held at the Youth Creativity Palace.

On June 15, 2021, an award ceremony for the winners of the republican stage of the competition was held at the Youth Creativity Palace.
The winners of this competition were awarded awards in 5 main nominations:
- Fayzullaev Mizobir from Zhizzak region became the best entrepreneur of the year in the field of industry;
- Yunushozhaev Saidazim from the Tashkent region became the best entrepreneur of the year in the service sector;
- Salimov Fazliddin from Samarkand region became the best young entrepreneur of the year;
- Karimov Khusniddin from Andijan region became the best farmer of the year;
- Sultanov Ibrokhim from Fergana region became the best artisan of the year

It should be noted that this year for the first time in the history of the competition, in order to ensure the principles of honesty and fairness in determining the winners at all stages of the competition, applications were submitted through an electronic platform.