Business forum was held between businessmen of Uzbekistan and St. Petersburg

On October 5-7, 2021, a visit of the delegation headed by the chairman of the committee on Foreign Relations of the city of St. Petersburg Yevgeny Grigoryev to Uzbekistan was organized by the trade and Industrial Chamber of Uzbekistan and The Tashkent City Administration.

On October 8, the International Hotel Tashkent hosted a plenary session of the business forum with the participation of representatives of business circles of St. Petersburg and the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The purpose of the meeting was to further develop trade-economic and investment cooperation between the two countries and strengthen the ties in the implementation of bilateral projects.

The current state and prospects of political, trade-economic, investment, financial-technical and cultural-humanitarian cooperation between Uzbekistan and Russia were also discussed.

In addition, the parties determined the priority directions of practical cooperation in the future. The agreement on the activation of joint work on increasing the volume of trade turnover between Uzbekistan and Russia was reached.

At the end of the event, the parties identified further practical actions within the framework of the discussed cooperation areas.