Cadastral service prices have risen We have published a new resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of 18.05.2021 No. 306 "On Improving the procedure for a differentiated approach in determining the cost of public services in the field of the State Cadastre". Where a number of changes in the cost of public services in the field of cadastre are indicated.

The following changes were approved:

a) preparation of the cadastral passport and registration of cadastral documentation for real estate objects in the part of non-residential buildings and structures:
- real estate with a total area of up to 100 sq. m. -1 BRV (previously-1.25 BRV);
- real estate with a total area of 100 sq. m. up to 1,000 sq. m. -1.15% of the BRV for 1 sq. m of the object area (previously-1% of the BRV for 1 sq. m of the object area with an increase of 25%);
- real estate with a total area of 1 000 sq. m. up to 5,000 sq. m. -17.25 BRV (previously-15 BRV with an increase of 25%);
- real estate with a total area of 5 000 sq. m. up to 15,000 sq. m. -34.5 BRV (previously-30 BRV with an increase of 25%);
- real estate with a total area of 15,000 sq. m. up to 50,000 sq. m. -57.5 BRV (previously-50 BRV with an increase of 25%);
- real estate with a total area of more than 50,000 sq. m. -80.5 BRV (previously-70 BRV with an increase of 25%);

b) preparation of the cadastral passport and registration of cadastral documentation for real estate objects in the part of the housing stock:
- apartment in an apartment building-1.15% of the BRV for 1 sq. m of the object area (previously-1% of the BRV for 1 sq. m of the object area with an increase of 25%);
- individual residential building-1.15% of the BRV for 1 sq. m of the object area (previously-1% of the BRV for 1 sq. m of the object area with an increase of 25%);