CEIR presented an infographic of the socio-economic development of Navoi region for five years

The infographic of the Center for Economic Research and Reforms (CEIR) presents the results of the development of the Navoi region over the past five years.

Gross domestic product of the region (GRP) for 2017-2020 increased by 20% and amounted to 49.7 trillion soums.

Industrial production increased from 10.7 trillion soums to 65.1 trillion soums. soums (growth 13%).

Agricultural production increased by 11%, from 5.3 trillion soums in 2016 to 11.9 trillion soums in 2020.

The number of operating enterprises in the region increased by 105% from 10.4 thousand in 2016 to 21.4 thousand in 2020.

In the field of infrastructure development for 2016-2020. 649 km of water supply networks were laid.

For five years, about 111 thousand jobs were created in the region.

Navoi region is one of the most industrialized regions. The annual industrial production here is more than 65 trillion soums ($ 5.7 billion). Among the “drivers” of the regional economy are the mining, chemical, building materials and textile industries.

This year, it is planned to implement 576 projects in the Navoi region with a total value of 18 trillion 600 billion soums ($ 1.8 billion).

In the context of industries, projects are distributed as follows: 200 projects in industry, 179 in services, 197 in agriculture. As a result, production facilities for about 18 trillion soums and 16 thousand jobs will be created. It is planned to organize the production of import-substituting products in the amount of 123 million dollars, as well as exports for 125 million dollars.