Closing press conference following the annual meeting of the IDB

On September 4, a final press conference was held on the occasion of the closing of the Annual Meeting of the Islamic Development Bank, which was held in Tashkent.

Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan S. Umurzakov and Chairman of the IDB Group Muhammad Al-Jasser spoke at the press conference. A number of agreements were signed at the end of the press conference.

"The holding of the meeting in Tashkent for the first time in the post-pandemic period with the direct participation of heads and members of delegations testifies to the recognition by the leadership of the Bank and member countries of Uzbekistan's significant contribution to the development of the Islamic world, as well as the successive reforms successfully implemented in the country over the past few years." - Sardor Umurzakov noted at the beginning of his speech.

“I am delighted to announce the signing of about 30 financial agreements totaling US $ 1.2 billion between the IDB Group and ten member countries, covering operations and projects in various sectors: health (COVID-19 and vaccines), water supply and sanitation. agriculture, transport, energy, food security, Islamic finance, small and medium-sized businesses, including $ 330 million in favor of the Republic of Uzbekistan. " - Muhammad Al-Jasser emphasized on the results of the past meeting.

As a result of the speeches of the distinguished guests, representatives of local and international media asked questions of interest to them.