Columbia University School of International and Public Relations wants to open a branch in Central Asia

The branch will open on the basis of UWED in Tashkent.

"Khalk suzi" writes about this, referring to the diplomatic mission in Washington.

It is reported that on September 28 of this year, the first deputy chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, rector of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy Sodik Safoev held talks with the director of the School of International and Public Relations of Columbia University, William Eimike.

During the meeting, an exchange of views took place on the issues of increasing the personnel potential of the republic, promising areas of academic cooperation were discussed, and the establishment of partnerships with an American university was considered.

The parties agreed to jointly create a special Research and Development Center at UWED. The center will focus on interdisciplinary research and research in economic development, political economy, and public administration at the regional and global levels.

Columbia University expressed its readiness to assist in the development of curricula and research in individual disciplines, to organize the exchange of teachers and students between the two universities, to start implementing joint academic projects.

Columbia University is a private research university, founded in 1754, is the oldest higher education institution in New York City and the fifth oldest institution of higher education in the United States. This university is one of the best universities in the world.

Columbia University alumni, faculty, and staff include seven Founding Fathers of the United States, four US presidents, 29 foreign heads of state, ten US Supreme Court justices, 96 Nobel laureates, 53 living billionaires, 33 Academy Award winners, and 125 laureates. Pulitzer Prize.