Compensations were introduced for the export of products

The government decree approved the Regulation on compensation of up to 50% of transport costs when exporting products.

According to the regulations, to provide compensation to the exporter:

the exporter has state registration in Uzbekistan;
products are made in Uzbekistan;
products are exported to countries that do not border on Uzbekistan (except for cases provided for by law and exported to Afghanistan);
products are placed in export mode (except for the export of goods worth up to $ 5,000 by mail);
The export contract stipulates that the transportation costs for the delivery of products are borne by the exporter, and payments must be made by the exporter.
The grounds for refusal to pay compensation are:

non-compliance of documents with established requirements;
presence in documents of inaccurate, inaccurate information or distortion of information;
when the subsidy allocated for the current year ends.