Contract worth $200 million US between Uzbek and Iranian entrepreneurs

Tehran hosted an Uzbek-Iranian business forum on February 21, where representatives of the governments and business circles of the two countries were attended. The Uzbek delegation was headed by Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade S. Umurzakov, while the Iranian side was headed by Vice President for Economic Affairs Muhsin Rezaei Mirhayot.

It was noted at the event that the economies of the two countries complement each other in a mutually beneficial way, creating the necessary conditions for further expansion of cooperation in the fields of textiles, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, electrical engineering, biomedicine, construction materials and agriculture. To date, major projects in the field of poultry, fisheries, food industry and production of construction materials have been successfully implemented. In the last 5 years, the number of enterprises with Iranian capital in Uzbekistan has quadrupled.

The forum encompassed B2B meetings between business circles of the two countries. During the meeting, the sides canvassed the contingency of implementing joint investment projects in Uzbekistan.

At the end of the forum, the heads of delegations of the two countries called on the forum participants to work closely and effectively in order to reach concrete agreements of mutual interest. Following the event, a number of investment agreements and trade agreements worth about $ 200 million US were signed between Iranian and Uzbek entrepreneurs.