Each mahalla in Tashkent will receive 10 billion soums - Shavkat Mirziyoyev

Half of the funds will go towards employment.

“When I met with the residents of the capital this year, they raised many issues related to the development of makhallas.
We will systematically continue this experiment and increase the allocated funds. For this, a separate fund for the development of 575 mahallas will be created under the khokimiyat, 10 billion soums will be allocated for each mahalla. This is about $ 600 million for the city.

At the same time, 5 billion soums of these funds will be spent on social and communal projects, based on the proposals of the population, using an open and transparent system "Citizens Budget". Another 5 billion soums will go to provide employment in makhallas and support small and family businesses. The new khokim assistants will be responsible for the efficient use of these funds.

In general, a research center will be opened under the Tashkent khokimiyat, which will systematically deal with the issues of the capital's economy and urbanization. The center will conduct regular polls among the population and develop scientific solutions to existing problems, ”said incumbent President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.