Earth Hour: a global flash mob

The most massive ecological action - "Earth Hour" has taken place on the planet. Its goal is to form a responsible attitude towards the environment, notes. At the same time, according to time zones, millions of people turned off their lights and appliances for 60 minutes.

The artistic illumination has gone out on the architectural structures of thousands of cities in the world. The Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Big Ben in London, the Colosseum in Rome, the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow plunged into darkness.

The number of participants in the flash mob is constantly growing. Last year, residents of more than seven and a half thousand cities in 190 countries joined the action.

For the first time "Earth Hour" was held in Sydney, Australia in 2007 at the initiative of the local branch of the World Wildlife Fund. The next year the event became international.

Earth Hour is symbolic. We are not talking about energy savings. The action should remind people of the threats hanging over the Earth's ecology. At the same time, it is a call to action on climate change.

This year, the organizers of the action wanted to emphasize the connection between the destruction of nature and the growth of infectious diseases, including Covid-19.