Embassy of Uzbekistan in Japan organized a meeting on personnel training

The Embassy of Uzbekistan in Japan hosted a meeting with Miyagi Chikara, President of Willtec Co.Ltd.

Bilateral cooperation and implementation of joint projects, in particular, prospects for joint training of qualified personnel in the fields of construction, IT-engineering and production of electronic household appliances, were addressed during the meeting

At the beginning of the conversation Chikara Miyagi told about the training centers of the company in Vietnam and Myanmar for training qualified personnel in the spheres of construction, IT-engineering and production of electronic household appliances. Training at the centers is free of charge and is organized at independent institutes and universities. To date, more than 1,000 specialists have been trained and employed in Japan at these educational centers.

President of the company said its company is currently working on expanding its foreign organizations, in particular on establishing similar educational centers in Indonesia, India and Cambodia and expressed interest in opening such centers in Uzbekistan. To this end, the company first intends to conduct relevant research on the results of which to submit specific proposals for cooperation to the Embassy.

In turn, the Uzbek side has presented detailed information on the reforms carried out in our country on the issue of labor migration in recent years. Special emphasis was placed on the introduction of a system of safe, orderly and legal labor migration.

P.S: Willtec Co., Ltd. was founded in 1992, which, now employs 5,567 employees. The annual turnover is 25.2 billion yen.