Emirates company will invest in renewable energy projects in Uzbekistan

On July 12, Tashkent hosted a ceremony of signing project agreements with Masdar (UAE) on two solar power plants to be built in Samarkand and Jizzakh regions.

Masdar, also known as Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company, is a renewable energy company based in Abu Dhabi.

Minister of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan Alisher Sultanov said during the ceremony:
“Today, when, due to the growth of the economy of Uzbekistan, the well-being of its people, the level of electricity consumption is rapidly growing, we, relying on the best world experience, are starting to implement projects to increase generation based on renewable energy sources, primarily solar and wind. And I am proud that Uzbekistan has found on this path such a reliable partner as Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company PJSC (Masdar), known for its achievements in the field of renewable energy. "

In turn, the representative of the UAE noted:
“These projects highlight that Uzbekistan is playing a real leadership role in clean energy projects in the region and contributing to global action to combat climate change. This is a vital mission and we will help you with it. "

Masdar is expected to invest up to US $ 300 million in these projects, with funding scheduled for December 2021 and construction to begin in the first quarter of 2022.