Employees of the National Guard have been granted the right to use citizens ' cars in a number of cases

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the regulation on the procedure for the forced use of a vehicle by citizens and state agencies in emergency cases.

Vehicles of state bodies, other organizations and citizens can be used forcibly by employees of the National Guard in the following cases:

— when delivering citizens in need of emergency medical care to medical institutions;
— when prosecuting persons suspected of committing crimes and bringing them to law enforcement agencies;
— for driving to the scene of the accident.

In these cases, drivers must comply with the requirement of a National Guard officer to force the use of a vehicle.

In case of forced use of the vehicle by the National Guard, the employee must provide the owner of the vehicle with an identity document.

The owner of the vehicle has the right not to satisfy the request of an employee of the National Guard, if the latter has not submitted a document proving his identity.