Entrepreneurs Support Headquarters Launched

The Headquarters to support entrepreneurs began its work at the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

It employs qualified staff from the country's ministries and agencies, divided into small groups specializing in a variety of areas, including attracting investment and setting up new production facilities, developing foreign trade, transport and transit capacity, promoting international cooperation, import optimization and other important areas.

The staff works closely with local entrepreneurs, manufacturers and exporters to identify systemic and private issues they face in their practice.
The received data will be analyzed in detail, based on the results of which proposals and algorithms for solving systemic problems will be developed. The problems of entrepreneurs are also being studied in detail, and instructions are being given to the relevant ministries and agencies to address the identified issues immediately.

It should be noted that a mechanism has been introduced to monitor the effectiveness of practical measures taken at the Headquarters, in particular, the relevant coordinating small group communicates directly with entrepreneurs to determine how quickly and effectively ministries and agencies respond to entrepreneurs' requests.

The headquarters works day and night. Entrepreneurs and exporters can contact the staff at any time for advice on their problems, as well as on issues of interest to them. All issues will be studied and resolved as soon as possible.

Applications are also accepted by the call center of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan for immediate forwarding to the Headquarters.