Experts' focus on children in need of protection

On January 6, 2022 the Committee on Youth Affairs, Culture and Sports of the Senate of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan with the support of UNICEF held a Round Table discussion dedicated to the protection of vulnerable children.
The event is organized in close cooperation with the Authorized Person of Oliy Majlis for Child Rights and Ministry of Makhalla and Family Support.
The Round Table is aimed at taking stock of achievements and lessons learned in preventing adolescents’ placement in specialized educational upbringing institutions and ensuring adequate reintegration into their families and communities.
“Assessment of the family history of children in the specialized educational upbringing institutions shows that most if not all children come from dysfunctional families. Underlying causes are often related to difficulties in sustaining the livelihood, alcohol abuse, or sometimes untreated mental illnesses within the family”, said Odiljon Iminov, Chairperson of the Committee of the Senate on Science, Education and Health. “If we focus on early identification and prevention, we will enhance protection of children and wellbeing of their families. This, in turn, will also contribute to reducing the unnecessary separation of girls and boys from their families and placement of children in all types of institutional care”, he added.
“Effective reintegration in the best interests of children requires development and implementation of community-based prevention services. This includes social support and assistance to families and children in difficult life situations, parenting skills programs, provision of counselling, information and advice and other services”, said Munir Mammadzade, UNICEF Representative in Uzbekistan. “