For the first time in Uzbekistan, the production of AI-98 was launched

Industrial production of high-octane AI-98 motor gasoline is carried out at the Bukhara oil refinery, - said the head of the press service of Uzbekneftegaz Siyovush Khashimov.

A certificate was issued for serial production of AI-98 motor gasoline in accordance with the requirements of O`zDSt 3031: 2015 “Motor gasoline. Technical conditions ". Today the Bukhara oil refinery produces 9 types of products of more than 19 brands.

It is planned to produce 14.9 thousand tons of Euro-4 diesel fuel, 11.4 thousand tons of Euro-5; by the end of the second half of 2021, the construction of two tanks in the amount of 5 thousand cubic meters for storing Uzbekneftegaz GTL synthetic kerosene will be completed.