Foundation for 1,400 permanent jobs laid in Angora

In June this year, the President of our country Sh.Mirzieva, during a visit to the Surkhandarya region, the committee for the development of silkworm and wool industry was instructed to establish the activities of a trade and production complex in the Angora region and create new jobs for the local population.

Today, at the initiative of the President, responsible persons laid the foundation for this project. At this event, the chairman of the committee for the development of the silk and wool industry B. Sharipov, the first deputy khokim of the Surkhandarya region F. Mamanov and a number of responsible persons.

4 hectares of land have been allocated to organize the activities of the Angora Index LLC trade and production complex, the construction of which began on the territory of the Tallimaron MFC in the Angora region. On this territory, according to the project, 704 stores of construction and finishing goods of various types will be built.

The investment project worth 50 billion soums is planned to be fully launched in January 2022, where 1,400 local residents will have permanent jobs.

1,500 sq. m in the shopping complex itself. there will also be a general production area in this area. Also, a parking lot for 1000 cars will be built in front of the complex. This will create the basis for the creation of thousands of additional jobs.

Today, on September 11, the chairman of the committee B. Sharipov and the first deputy khokim of the region F. Mamanov laid the first bricks for the construction of a grandiose project and started construction.