Four citizens awarded the title of Hero of Uzbekistan

On August 24, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed a decree on conferring the title "Uzbekiston Kakramoni" (Hero of Uzbekistan).

The title "Uzbekiston Qaqramoni" with the presentation of the highest sign - the "Oltin Yulduz" medal will be awarded to:
Akhmedov Muhamad Ismatovich - head of the farm "Madaniyat Muhammad Ismat", Bukhara region, Bukhara region;
• Ayupov Shavkat Abdullaevich - Director of the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
• Gafurov Ibragim Usmanovich - a member of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan, a literary scholar;
• Yulchieva Munojatkhon Abduvalievna - head of the department of traditional performance of the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan.

As noted in the document, the award is awarded for great services in strengthening the economic potential of our country, increasing its international prestige, ensuring the prosperity of the Motherland and the well-being of the people, initiative in the process of dynamic and fundamental reforms carried out in New Uzbekistan in recent years, selfless work for the good state and people, many years of fruitful and exemplary activity in the industrial and social and spiritual spheres, a great contribution to the education of our youth in the spirit of patriotism, respect for national and universal values, as well as active participation in the public life of the country.