Head of the State Committee on Family and Women was appointed

Khokim of Turakurgan district Zulayho Bakhriddinovna Mahkamova has been appointed head of the State Committee for Family and Women.

The President established a new system of support for women.

“It is of no coincidence that in the new development strategy of Uzbekistan, the issue of creating decent conditions for women and supporting their initiatives is one of the bottom-line directions.

Today, I signed a Decree on the establishment of the State Committee for Family and Women in order to ensure the systematic implementation of these pivotal tasks in each makhalla.

Zulayho Bakhriddinovna Mahkamova, Hokim of Turakurgan district, who has extensive experience in getting acquainted with the problems and concerns of women and solving, has been appointed the head of the committee.

The new committee chair, Mahkamova, currently serves as deputy prime minister and member of the Senate.

At the local level, the committee's provincial, district, and city leaders will serve as deputy governors.

The new committee manages the Women's Support Fund and the “Women's Notebook” Fund.