If a selfless governor comes, people will feel it immediately - Shavkat Mirziyoyev

A special session of the Kashkadarya Regional Council of People's Deputies is being held in Karshi. President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev is taking part in it.

"During the pre-election meeting on October 11 last year, together with you, we set great goals for the development of Kashkadarya for the next five years and the improvement of people's lives. I walked around Kashkadarya from morning till night and looked people in the eye to see if people believed in our plans and felt the change. Who does this? A leader is a selfless leader who loves his people and unites them. If a selfless governor comes, people will feel it immediately", Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

The head of our state stressed the need to rely on domestic opportunities and use them effectively in these dangerous times.

An organizational issue was discussed at the session. The head of state nominated Azimov Murotjon Berdialievich, who has been acting governor of Kashkadarya region since November 2021, for the post of governor.

M.Azimov was born in 1976 in Kitob district of Kashkadarya region. He served as the Prosecutor of Bukhara region, Deputy Prosecutor General and First Deputy, Chairman of the State Customs Committee.

MPs, labor veterans, women and youth spoke in support of the candidate. According to the results of the voting, Muratjon Azimov was confirmed as the governor of Kashkadarya region.