In Shaikhantakhur district, work is underway to improve the mahalla

In Shaikhantakhur district, a program called «Obod Mahalla» was created in order to update the architectural appearance and beautify the mahalla of Olim Khozhayev.

Within the framework of the program, 5 180.0 million soums were allocated. Of which 2,430. 0 million soums were allocated from the republican budget, and 2,750 million soums from the local budget.

From the work done, it should be noted:

2 playgrounds were built, and the existing 2 were renovated;
paved streets (3 km 200 meters);
replaced electrical wiring;
the preschool educational organization №75 was reconstructed;
the kindergarten has been adapted to modern requirements, as a result of which the educational institution has been increased from 80 to 120 places;
the facades of 40 apartment buildings have been renovated;
2 transformers have been repaired;
planted 5000 flower seedlings for decoration and landscaping of the territory;
100 tons of garbage were removed;
all trees of the Oqtepa array have been formed.
In addition, work on the improvement of the mahalla continues to this day