In the pharmaceutical sector, it is planned to launch 6 enterprises worth $ 280 million in 3 years

It was noted that the Pharmaceutical Agency needs to completely reorganize the system of working with projects.

For this purpose, the Ministry of Investment has appointed the first deputy head of the agency - Ulugbek Egamov.

He was told to bring a new investment climate into the agency system.

The agency and regional governors have been tasked with launching 34 projects worth $ 80 million this year alone. For example, this year the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Park plans to launch two projects worth $ 50 million.

In total, the cluster is expected to launch 6 enterprises worth $ 280 million in 3 years.

Or, although there are only one enterprise in Bukhara, Jizzakh, Navoi, Kashkadarya, Surkhandarya and Khorezm that produces the simplest drugs, these regions plan to implement only two new projects in the next two years.

Officials have been instructed to negotiate with major foreign companies to reach an agreement to attract at least 10 brands.