In Uzbekistan, over 8 months, the volume of market services provided amounted to 174 trillion soums

According to the State Statistics Committee, for eight months of this year, the volume of financial services amounted to 38.3 trillion soums.

In addition, from January to August, the volume of market services provided in the country amounted to 174.8 trillion. soums.

The nominal volume of market services increased by 40.8 trillion. Sumov. Compared to the same period last year, the growth rate was 120.3%.

Scope of services in economic activity:
- communications and information - 10.3 trillion;
- financial - 38.3 trillion;
- transport - 42 trillion;
- including motor vehicles - 22.1 trillion;
- accommodation and meals - 4.6 trillion;
- trade - 44.2 trillion;
- real estate - 5.06 trillion;
- education - 6.8 trillion;
- healthcare - 3.05 trillion;
- rent - 3.5 trillion;
- repair of computers and household goods - 2.9 trillion;
- personal - 4 365.7 billion;
- architecture, research, technical testing and analysis - 3.6 trillion;
- the rest - market services - 5.5 trillion. soums.