In Uzbekistan, the number of cases with coronavirus increases significantly

On June 17, 90 people in Uzbekistan recorded coronavirus, the number of officially confirmed cases of coronavirus infection in the country has reached 239 525 people since the beginning of the pandemic.

New cases of morbidity:

2 in Andijan region,
4 of them are in the Bukhara region,
1 in Kashkadarya region,
2 people in the Surkhandarya region,
7 people in Tashkent region,
74 people in the city of Tashkent

it was identified among the citizens who were sampled because of their interaction with patients with coronavirus. It is worth noting that the number of diseases in the country has increased significantly in the last three days.
In place of information, the incidence was recorded on 16 June-59 people, on 15 June — 57 people, on 14 June-39 people.