Inauguration of the Honorary Consulate of the Slovak Republic

On November 8 of this year, the ceremonial opening of the Honorary Consulate of the Slovak Republic in the Republic of Uzbekistan took place in Tashkent.

The Ambassador of the Slovak Republic in Uzbekistan and the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan solemnly presented the consular patent to the Honorary Consul of the Slovak Republic in Uzbekistan Shimko Vasily.

Vasily Shimko is the founder of the Slovak-Russian-Uzbek joint venture Chirana Asia, a resident of the Yashnabad innovation technology park under the Ministry of Innovative Development, he created the first plant in Central Asia to produce world-class ventilators and anesthesia and respiratory equipment. To date, Uzbek-made ventilators have been installed in the hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, city hospital No. 1, VHI clinic and other hospitals, have worked more than 10,000 hours and have already shown their effectiveness.

This appointment will serve to strengthen the intensive ties between the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Uzbekistan, both in the fields of culture and education, as well as in the field of politics, investment and economics.

The ceremonial opening and induction of the Honorary Consulate and the subsequent reception for the invited guests took place in the building of the Honorary Consulate of the Slovak Republic.