India-China: a thorough discussion on cooperation

Sardor Umurzakov, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Investments and Foreign Trade, organized a meeting on further expansion of cooperation with Indian Republic and People’s Republic of China in the form of video conference.
The meeting was attended by heads of ministries, departments, industry associations, commercial banks, local authorities of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and Tashkent city, as well as diplomatic missions of Uzbekistan in India and China.
The issues of bilateral cooperation with India were discussed in detail, including investment, trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation, implementation of joint projects and new areas of relations. The results of the visit of the Uzbek delegation to India in December 2021 were canvassed.
The 13th meeting of the Uzbek-Indian Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technological Cooperation and issues related to the organization and holding of a business forum with the participation of business circles of the two countries were discussed.
In the same vein, measures to deepen multilateral cooperation with the PRC were discussed. It was noted that against the background of steadily growing indicators of investment partnership and mutual trade, today the two countries enable great opportunities and untapped potential for expanding economic cooperation.
Measures to organize the activities of the Uzbekistan-SCO industrial zone were of particular attention.