Inter-parliamentary cooperation is strengthening

On February 7, 2022, Tanzila Narbayeva, Chairwoman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, Chairwoman of the Commission on Gender Equality, met with a delegation led by Fatma Aksal, Chairperson of the Gender Equality Commission of the Grand National Assembly of the Republic of Turkey.

The Speaker of the Senate T. Narbayeva gave a speech about the radical political and socio-economic reforms in the country, as well as the work done to ensure gender equality, noting that in recent years cooperation between Uzbekistan and Turkey in all areas, including inter-parliamentary, has reached a new level.

During the meeting, two sides canvassed the state and prospects of inter-parliamentary cooperation between the two countries, as well as exchanged views on issues of gender equality and protection of women's interests.

F. Aksal cited that Uzbekistan is making great strides, strengthening fraternal ties between our countries, noting that today Uzbekistan and Turkey are reliable strategic partners.

During the event, the followings were addressed: that the country is paying more attention to women's issues, creating equal opportunities for women and men, taking practical measures to improve working and living conditions, eliminate violence against women, support people with disabilities, and Uzbekistan chaired a talk on leaders of the Central Asia in 2021.