Is it possible to get infected with coronavirus after vaccination?

On July 7, an employee of the Ministry of Health explained the effectiveness of vaccination at a briefing.

To the question «Is it possible to get infected with coronavirus after vaccination? » the medic replied as follows:

– Yes, unfortunately it is possible. A person who has received a coronavirus vaccine can become infected with the virus for several reasons. The first reason is that if a person has been vaccinated, then if he does not adhere to quarantine measures, does not wear a mask, does not keep a social distance, and especially if he comes into contact with a patient, he may get sick with coronavirus. The second reason is that many people come to get the vaccine without passing the test, if a person is already sick with coronavirus, and he receives the vaccine, then after the incubation period (from 3 to 14 days) he may have a coronavirus infection.

The specialist also asked all citizens who received the vaccine to comply with quarantine measures.