IT Park plans to open 58 more It Centers in Uzbekistan this year

Today, AIMC held a press conference on the topic «About the results of the IT Park obtained within the framework of the organization's activities for two years».

Since its creation, IT Park has contributed to education in the yonger genereation, as weel as to the growth of IT companies in Uzbekistan.

In particular, 147 IT Centers were opened at the IT park, where more than 40,255 poeple were trained. Thanks to the opening of these IT Centers, more than 294 new jobs were created. This year it is planned to increse the number of IT Centers to 205.

It should be recalled that the IT Park was opened on the initiative of our president in 2019 in Tashkent. For two years of the organization's activity It PArk has achieved great results in the field of information technologies.