May 28 - Independence Day in the Republic of Azerbaijan

Since 1992, the Day of Restoration of Statehood of Azerbaijan has been celebrated annually on May 28 as a national holiday. In this regard, the international project Bright Uzbekistan congratulates the fraternal country on the Independence Day and wishes peace and tranquility, mutual understanding and sustainable progress on the path of state development!

The holiday was established in 1918 by the National Council of Azerbaijan in honor of the solemn declaration of independence of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan, on the same day the Declaration of Independence was signed in Tbilissi (now Tbilisi).

The establishment of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic of in 1918 is a bright page in the history of Azerbaijan. The following years, decades of bright events and great achievements marked the stages of life in the country and the people of Azerbaijan.

The abovementioned combined to create the economic, intellectual, and cultural potential of today's independent Azerbaijan. In honor of these events, one of the streets of Baku, the subway station, and a stele with the text of the Declaration of Independence (in Latin and Arabic letters) has been erected on Istiglaliyat Street (Independence).