Meeting between Bagdod Amereev and Ercan Kazikhan

On January 31, 2022, in Nur-Sultan, the Secretary General of the Organization of Turkic States Baghdad Amreev met with the Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Special Coordinator for Foreign Policy Ercan Kazikhan.

During the meeting, the Secretary General and Vice President exchanged views on the current state of cooperation within the Organization of Turkic States and the work being done on the basis of the resolutions of the 8th Summit held in Istanbul on November 12, 2021.

Secretary General Amreev thanked the Republic of Kazakhstan for its requisite role in strengthening relations between the fraternal Turkic peoples and for its contribution to strengthening the institutional capacity of the Organization of Turkic States.

Ercan Kazikhan thanked Secretary General Amreev for his visit and detailed information on the Organization's activities, and stressed the magnitude of strengthening economic and commercial cooperation between member and observer states, as well as the effective use of the common economy and transit.

Touching upon the implementation of substantial initiatives put forward by the President of Kazakhstan Kasyym-Jomart Tokayev at the Istanbul Summit, the parties canvassed the establishment of a special economic zone in Turkestan, which will further enhance trade and investment cooperation between member states.

During the event, B. Amreev and E. Kazikhan exchanged views on a number of topical international and regional issues.