Meeting between the Secretary General of Turksoy and the Ferganian khokim

There was a meeting among Sultan Raev, Turksoy Secretary General, Mirvokhid Azimov, Deputy Secretary General of the OTS, and Fergana's khokim, in which future plans were canvassed.

The international conference in Kokand brought together representatives of many fraternal countries.

Within the framework of the event, a number of sessions were held, where the sides exchanged views on education system, which owns a special place in the cultural life of the Kokand khanate; the influence of the literary environment on the development of this field; issues of youth education; the work done by rulers and intellectuals on the development of the education system and their practical results; the role of educational institutions in the development of society and in the socio-economic and political life.

With the help of the international conference, paramount proposals and comments were developed on the true transmission of history to future generations. This prestigious conference assists in highlighting the rich history, undiscovered aspects of the cultural and architectural heritage of the Kokand Khanate and bringing the Turkic states closer.