Meeting with the delegation of the city of Osh

On June 23, a meeting of the leadership of the city administration headed by J.Ortikhodjaev with a delegation from Osh and the mayor of the city A.Mambetov.

The Khokim of the capital, welcoming the guests, noted: the historically established good-neighborly relations between our countries need to be constantly developed and strengthened, consistently cooperating in the fields of housing, education, tourism, art and culture, as well as interacting in music, film and theater festivals.

A.Mambetov, thanking for the reception and hospitality, said: visiting Tashkent often, he discovers something new every time, and in order to adopt the positive experience of the services of our capital, a large team came from Osh. The mayor supported the initiative of J.Ortikhodjaev also noted the growth of trade turnover between our countries, the active import of Uzbek buses and special equipment to Kyrgyzstan, as well as the effective operation of the Uzbek-Kyrgyz fund with an authorized capital of 200 million US dollars, aimed at mutual cultural and humanitarian development.

Mentioning that the reconstruction of the Babur Theater is expected to be completed in Osh in September this year, he invited the Tashkent delegation to its opening. Mayor A.Mambetov said that about 100 new multi-storey buildings are currently being built in Osh, and expressed interest in purchasing elevator equipment manufactured in the Tashkent Technopark, with subsequent maintenance and, possibly, the establishment of joint production.

J.Ortikhodjaev thanked for the interest in Tashkent, expressed readiness for cooperation and support for the initiatives and ideas of our closest neighbors. At the end of the meeting, the delegation got acquainted with the capabilities of the Situation Center and other products of the Digital Development Department.