Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a "round table" on solving problems in the field of export

In recent years, a number of positive changes in the foreign economic sphere have been implemented in our country,
ensuring the systemic development of exports and the progressive growth of foreign trade.
In particular, the liberalization of foreign exchange policy, the elimination of administrative barriers and the establishment of a pricing mechanism for exported fruits and vegetables provide an inflow of monetary investments to Uzbekistan.
However, due to the extremely negative impact of the pandemic on the global economy, many countries today have lost markets for their products.

International experts are sounding the alarm that 2021 will be marked by high competition and struggle between producing countries for the consumer market.
Today this is one of the main issues that awaits solution by increasing the export potential of our country, eliminating problems and shortcomings in the system, further simplifying and improving legislative acts.

For this purpose, at the initiative of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, together with a number of attached ministries and government departments with the participation of experts from international organizations, a round table is being held on the topic "Further development and support of exports in the Republic
Uzbekistan: existing problems and improvement
legislation to address them. "