online purchases for $ 900 billion during Pandemic
In the pandemic 2020, shoppers around the world spent $ 900 billion more on the Internet than in the previous two, Mastercard analysts said.This is stated in a study by the Mastercard Economics Institute, based on a comparison of the number of online sales made in 2020 in the Mastercard payment system with the general trend for 2019 and 2020.Online sales accounted for 20% of all money spent on goods and services last year, according to a study. For comparison: in 2019 this figure was just over 14%.According to the forecast of analysts at Mastercard, in many countries the transition from traditional to online trading will continue in the future. The degree of transformation within each country will depend on how widespread e-commerce was before the crisis. For example, in the United States, the share of online purchases before the COVID-19 epidemic was 11%, at the peak of the pandemic it reached 22%, and after, according to researchers, it will remain at 17%. In Russia, according to Mastercard, the share of e-commerce increased from 5% to 14% at the peak of the coronavirus crisis and will remain at 7% after its completion.The researchers also assessed the development of online sales in 2020. According to them, during the pandemic, buyers around the world began to visit 30% more online stores. Russians on average made purchases on 4.9 sites, which is 29% more than in 2019 (3.8). In the United States, the average number of sites visited by each customer grew from 4.7 in 2019 to 5.3 in 2020 (+ 13%).