OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Observer Mission starts work in Uzbekistan

They will observe the presidential elections in Uzbekistan, which will be held on October 24.

On October 21, the Chairman of the Central Election Commission Zainiddin Nizamkhodjaev met with the head of the OSCE delegation, Danielle de Ridder, and the OSCE Special Coordinator for work with short-term observers, Reinhold Lopatka.

During the conversation, the chairman of the Central Election Commission Zainiddin Nizamkhodjaev informed the guests about the latest changes in the electoral legislation of Uzbekistan, as well as the work carried out in the framework of the preparation and conduct of the presidential elections.

It was noted that the CEC Press Center and its regional branches are working on timely informing the public about the work done at all stages of the electoral process. Also, 1672 accredited media representatives cover the electoral process.

The main task is to ensure the holding of elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with generally recognized international principles and legal norms. Considering the importance of the participation of international observers in the elections, invitations were sent to international organizations and institutions from foreign countries to observe the process. To date, 969 international observers have been accredited. Of these, 629 are from international organizations and 340 are from foreign countries.

The OSCE PA delegation includes more than 120 representatives of the parliaments of France, Czech Republic, Greece, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Estonia, Latvia and 25 other countries.