Participation of the Delegation of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the events of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

Members of the delegation of the Oliy Majlis headed by T. Narbayeva are in the Republic of Austria to participate in the World Conference of Heads of Parliaments of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) member countries and the Summit of Women Speakers of Parliaments of the IPU member countries.

The conference will be held under the general theme “Parliamentary Leadership for More Effective Multilateralism, Ensuring Peace and Sustainable Development for the People of the World”.

The event, organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Union in cooperation with the Parliament of the Austrian Republic and the United Nations, envisages the participation of more than 110 leaders of the world's parliaments.

During the visit, the delegation of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan also plans to hold a number of bilateral meetings with the heads of parliaments of foreign countries and leading international organizations.