Projects on construction, elaboration of road infrastructure and natural gas supply were considered

On January 10, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with projects related to construction, improvement of road infrastructure and natural gas supply.

The “Tashkent-Chinoz" highway repair project is one of them. In fact, this road is very busy, with 60-65 thousand vehicles per day. Therefore, it is planned to repair 10 km of it, build 5 underpasses and additional local roads.
There are also plans to widen Temur Malik Street in Tashkent by six lanes, build multi-storey houses and service buildings on both sides, and construct a 210-meter overpass on Uzbekistan Street in Jizzakh city.

Confirming the projects, the head of the state instructed responsible personnel to make pertinent documents and construct decently.
Particularly, today the Jizzakh city gas supply system has 767 kilometers of pipelines, 6 gas distribution stations, more than 1,600 gas distribution points. A project has been developed to modernize this system based on international standards and by enlisting direct investment.

As part of the project, which will be implemented using technical priority solutions, it is intended to remove old gas pipelines and lay more than 1,500 kilometers of new ones. In addition, the number of gas distribution stations will be abated from 6 to 2, and the transition from a 3-stage system to a 2-stage system. As a result, the current loss of 115 million cubic meters will be eliminated.

Emphasizing the efficacy of the projects, the President stressed the need to accelerate it. It is also proposed to introduce such a system in Gulistan, Syrdarya region, at the same time, and thereafter in other areas. This project will govern gas distribution and accounting so that it reaches our people in a consistent and comprehensive manner.